Wave Connections
We all know waves don’t appear overnight, and neither do connections. Connections are honestly one of the hardest parts to obtain. In order to achieve the 360 Doppler Effect, you have to visualize what you want your wave pattern to look like and make use of the brush until it becomes a reality. A painter, for example, doesn’t just start painting at random. A lot of the times he or she has a vision for what he or she wants to create. The same thing should go for you. Use the brush as the artistic tool to create art on your head.
- Visualize
- Work
- Art
Connections are nothing but the product of accuracy and consistency. Each brush stroke takes you closer to your goal.
- Brush in the direction you want your waves to form
- Comb in the direction you want your waves to form
- Shampoo in the direction you want your waves to form
- Condition in the direction you want your waves to form
Remember accuracy and consistency with the brush will achieve your goal. No product will help your connections. Your overall goal is to make your waves flow aka SPIN! The power is in the brush.