Deandre is the latest Wavebuilder Wave King! After 3 years of putting in work, he has definitely earned the crown!
Wavebuilder: How long have you had 360 waves?
Deandre Armistad: I Have Been Waving Since Around May 2016
WB: What is your wavebuilding method?
DA: The Hot Towel/ Cold Durag Method
WB: What kind of brush do you use, and how many times a day do you brush?
DA: I only use Torino Pros And Royalty Brushes Made By Brush King
WB: What are your favorite wave products?
DA: My Favorite Product Is The Sweet Jamila Butter
WB: Besides building waves, what do you like to do?
DA: Customize Cars, And Music
WB: What do girls love about your waves?
DA: The Unique Swirl (My Crown)
WB: Any advice to wavers just starting out with their wave game?
DA: Stay Consistent And In Order To Get Waves You Have To Be Willing To Put In The Brush Work
WB: How does it feel to be wave king?
DA: It’s A Dream Come True. I’ve Watched Plenty Of Great And Elite Wavers Before Secure This Title Am I Honored To Be Apart Of The Greats Amongst Men